Put the Milwaukee M18 battery into its charger, and WOW, it lit up RED! Stayed that way for about 10 minutes, then went to green. Certainly no *POP* sound as one user reported here. Wore safety goggles, held battery with pliers, kept fire extinguisher at hand. Tried it with a nearly dead 9V battery (showing under 8V with a multi-meter before trying this) and held a couple of pieces of 1/8" aluminum wire with the ends squashed flat to squeeze into the outer two battery slots. but nothing changed, still wouldn't charge, still told me it was fully charged when plugged in while flashing 1 LED with a single button push.
#Broken 1.5 volt battery clip series
I tried pressing and holding the button for a lot of seconds on impulse, and presto, the LEDs went through some sort of 'diagnostic' series of blinks. Weird, as it had been able to run for about 2 minutes before that, the battery obviously not totally dead. Putting the battery into the charger resulted in about 3 seconds of red, then glowing green as though fully charged.

I charge maybe 2 or 3 times per week, about half the time when I've run it down to zero, the other half when it's just showing 1 LED when the button is pressed. But for the past few months the charge it holds has dropped steadily. Bought a Milwaukee 18V drill at HD last year on sale for $100 when my ancient (8+ years) Ridgid drill finally stopped working at all (batteries both dead, bearings and gears getting kinda shot) and the Milwaukee worked well enough. Wow, I'm a bit amazed and a lot relieved.